A Public Sphere, How we Meet People Today.

The Internet and mobile phones have drastically changed the way that people communicate, the way we socialize. Socializing and sparking up a conversation with someone use to be the way to meet to people, friends or love interests. Internet and Mobile phones have changed that. 2013 Online relationships compared to other means. There has been online dating services for a while now, but something recent that has come in the form of an App on almost every singles smart phone is ‘Tinder’. With new the new age of technology it looks like going out and meeting new people or talking to strangers has been replaced my swiping left or right. Maybe Tinder is just there for more of a one-night stand situation. Caroline Kent gave a ‘Woman’s perspective’ on Tinder. Story here. As Kent puts in her article ‘the virtual dating has come down to the simple question hot or not’. Cutting out everything else (maybe some similar interests and an about me) down to a simple yes or no. This is becoming an increasingly popular App to download on the single persons smart phone. This impacts the Public Sphere in multiple ways. Firstly it’s changing the very way people are meeting each other, changing the social groups that are being created. You may find great catch on tinder while riding the train home, but miss out on a great friend by not talking to the person next to you. Secondly it’s in the conversation between friends. One friend suggests it to another ‘why don’t you download it?’ from one friend to another then spreading through until it becomes a daily conversation of what matches each friend has for the day. Unknown Tinder has got to the point where a man has travelled across North America using the App. Story here. Twenty four year old Daniel Beaumont Traveled 7’500 miles (about 12’070 Km’s) by getting various lifts from girls he matched with on tinder. Not only is there debate and talk about the impacts of ‘Tinder’, but also, the public Sphere is being molded and changed into a completely new thing by this App. The debate of what tinder gets you, friends, Partners or just a one-night stand. Because someone has swiped right and matched you, how big of an invitation is that. Eli Esptein explains how he downloaded tinder because of friends influence (debate from his friend group public sphere), his result is after two or more dates you will get laid. Story here. One Smart phone App cutting out the entire process of meeting someone, getting to know them and getting them to like you. Hopefully there will be other lengthy processes cut down to size by Phone Apps. Technology is changing the way that public groups are made, what Public Spheres debate about and where they are debated.

Better Solutions to fear.

In this current age Media isn’t just controlled by News stations and Journalists anymore. Everyone that is young, old and famous is using the Internet. Everyone almost has access to everything. Current trends this causes is young impressionable people are either competing with their friends, or trying to mirror the life style of a celebrity. If something is effecting the young population, it is affecting everyone. Possibly the largest group effected by Internet is Teenagers. Teenagers are using social media at school on phones. When they come home from school there is a good chance in front of the computer is where they spend majority of their time. Cyber bullying can happen, but there doesn’t even have to be a message sent for a teenager to feel self-conscious, or affect them emotionally. All it takes is a scroll through the news feed and look at one picture for someone to think “I’m too fat”. The group that this causes anxiety in is the parents. Parents start to take the fight to schools, or the media instead of trying to solve the solution themselves. They just shift the blame. Then things like video games get taken off the shelf for being “too violent” just don’t buy the game for the kids. Story here. Adult video game players become aggressive and begin to post violent threats towards the group that got the game removed from stores. Violent misogynistic posts are made on the Internet where everyone can see, including young impressionable teenagers. Story here. Then those young kids who are annoyed about video games getting banned side with the people making the violent post. And cycle continues. If parents didn’t let kids play violent video games, or not shift blame to others for their kids playing violent video games. There’s a good chance that disturbing posts on the Internet could be avoided. I don’t think these anxieties are justified. People should be solving the problem themselves. These issues can easily become not issues, just by having a better lifestyle. Better parenting and better social skills. These sorts of situations only really benefit the media because it’s another story to report on. Media was used to create this situation. Parents made the petition that removed this video game off the shelf. And the stories made about this particular example only spread the word getting more people involved and increasing its presences on media. Reports on this story seem to favour the Petitioning parents as if they have a good reason to do as they are doing. Because there were only violent replies from the other side, it’s easy to make the Petitioners look good. If you don’t use something or don’t go near it, It doesn’t affect you. That’s all the petitioning side had to do.